ARCOR® N / ARCOR® V Salt Bath Nitriding

This process is done at temperature in the range of 510° to 580°- 590°. This provides a dense epsilon iron nitride compound layer with limited porosity. In addition nitrogen diffusion takes place for few microns from the surface which improves fatigue properties of the materials.

This is austenitic nitro carburising process. This process is done in molten salt bath at 630° C to produce 10 to
25 micron surface layer of epsilon iron nitride above the nitrogen diffusion layer. This additional layer takes care of bending stress in the component due to its ductile nature.

This is also known as surfsulf which is HEF’s original salt bath nitriding process. This process operates in the 540° to 570° temperature range and complies with all known nitro carburising standards.

Parts treated with ARCOR® salt bath nitriding effectively resist seizure. The micro-layer inhibits the formation of frictional welding points and assists the running-in of components. The hard, yet ductile surface layers make ARCOR® treated parts compatible with mating surfaces without surface cracking or exfoliation. Finally, the ARCOR® process produces substantial improvements in fatigue resistance.