Bushings / joints

HEF are the specialists in Surface Engineering & Surface Technologies and they have many jobbing centres globally to improve the physical & metallurgical properties of material.  They have applied these technologies to manufacture specialty components like Bushings for those applications in which it becomes very difficult to do maintenance. There are many applications wherein the bushings are subjected to high contact pressures and are fitted in areas wherein it becomes very difficult to lubricate .  Because of arduous environment in which these bushes are working, rate of wear & Corrosion on these bushings are also very high.

HEF have come out with new generation Bushings which eliminate all the above problems due to their
patented unique surface technology and unique surface topography. Depending on the application like high loads with slow moving articulation joints, Corrosion environment, high abrasion location etc, HEF have come out with different types of Bushings to increase the life cycle of these innovative Products.

Optimum properties are obtained by combining selected surface treatments with a suitable material to provide
resistance to scuffing, seizure, friction & corrosion.

The above specialised Bushes are used in Construction Equipment, material handling equipment, Agriculture
equipment, steel Industry, Cement Industry, Marine application etc.

HEF could manufacture mating PINs also to suit the Bushings.